Monthly Catechists Collection
Fr. Francis Kisera| 25th January 2025We attended the monthly harambee of catechis in Yao center.
Read moreParishoneers | Priests | Staffs |
2500 | 3 | 4 |
The parish was began in in 1990 by Emeritus Archbishop Zacheuos Okoth. It was first runned by the diocesian prieasts, then later on given to Consolata missionaries, for primary
evangelization. They then handed it over to the diocese in 2010 upto date.
The current serving priest is Fr. Shadrack Malo who came after Fr. Samwuel Nyattaya. He is assisted
by Fr. Francis Kisera and Fr John Kwanga, though the pastoral work in the parish is still overwhelming.
Some of the pastoral works are with he Devotional Groups which are offered as follows:
i. The Legion of Mary(adults) meet regularly on Saturdays. Occasionally,
when possible, the priest meets with them. We Celebrate our Marian Feasts with them.
The Juniors Legionaries are active and meet regularly.
ii. St Monica Widows meet in their homes for their monthly masses celebrated by the parish priest.
iii. Joot Matakatifu is a bit weak but they often come to the parish the second
Thursday evening for a vigil which ends with morning mass.
iv. Sacred Heart upholds their devotion to the Eucharist on the first Friday of every month.
The way some of the members of sacred heart carry out their devotion to the
Sacred Heart need to always be monitored.
v. St Elzabeth Ann Group, is a new group of Christians mostly women
who are converts from other Denominations and are devoted to the spirituality of St Elizabeth Anne,
an American converted to the Catholic faith.
They Meet regularly to continue supporting each other to get deeper into the catholic faith.
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St. Mary's Catholic Church Chiga
A parish in Kisumu Arch diocese
Due to the cracks witness in the parish, we opted to rennovate it.
Here are our recent news
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We attended the monthly harambee of catechis in Yao center.
Read moreIt always painful evnet and also a loss to the church
Read moreIt is a mass dedicated to the alterservers.
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