Chiga Centre

  • Most of the lands that make up the Parish compound their tittle deeds processed. Copies of the tittles and the land Map are in the office Lands File.
  • There are some parcels of land that have got some controversy around them
  • 1. The land on which the parish pastoral office sits is being reclaimed by the one who gave it out since the one he had been given in exchange was not completely transferred to the Archdiocese and is being used by the son of man who sold it to the parish. The matter is with the Diocesan Legal officer.
    2. The Land on which the parish Guest House sits extends across the road. The part across the road was not given to the parish but when the tittle for that land was given, it included the whole of it. What needs to be done is to divide it and transfer its ownership to that family. However, this has not yet been done due to the disagreements within that family. They are to solve their difference to know the one to whom it is to be transferred.
    3. There is a parcel of land on the way to Sidho, just near Lie Lango which was bought by the Parish but was transferred to the Brothers of Our Lady of Perpetual Help without the parish getting involved. The parish council wants it back but the process has not been commenced yet.
  • Chiga Od Lemo has a piece of land near Chiga Market. There is still no development on it. They have a tittle deed for this land. A copy is in the parish office.
  • Mayenya od Lemo has piece of land donated by certain family. The title deed has not been processed yet. They started building a structure on it stopped mid-way due t lack of funds. They have Kshs 1500 in the parish account for the purpose of starting the land processing.
  • Mass is usually at 7am every Sunday at the Centre

  • Nyamonge Centre

  • Nyamonge centre has four parcels of land.
  • 1. The land in which the church is built. They claim that it had been processed but this has no been confirmed from the land’s office.
    2. As an Old Od lemo, Nyamonge has another parcel of and a few kilometres away. The tittle is already processed and a copy is in the parish office.
    3. The land on which Agonyo Od Lemo is built. The Christians are still pursuing the tittle for this land. It is ripe for being made a full-fledged centre that will serve St Mary Magdalene Primary School nearby and the Christian who still go for masses in town. However, there is still no structure on this land yet. 4. The land on which Landi Od Lemo sits is not yet processed. There is not structure on that land since the previous one had fallen down some years back.
  • It is important to note that Nyamonge Centre has been agitating to be made a parish. However, there is no clear boundary how it will run..
  • Mass is usually at 7am every Sunday at the Centre

  • Ayaro Centre

  • The centre sits on the land that is not yet processed. They had begun but it is incomplete.
  • The land is not fenced.
  • It has the old church in it and a new church structure coming up on it. Currently people celebrate Mass outside in the open.
  • Mass is usually at 9am every Sunday at the Centre

  • Rweya Centre

  • Rweya centre has three parcels of land.
  • 1. The land on which the centre church is built. This land is said to have been processed but amalgamation of parcels has not been done yet.
    2. The Land of Bungu Od Lemo. This land is not yet processed since it is still under the former County council bearing the name o the church. There is no structure on this land and it is not even fenced. The family that donated it wanted it back but since we started celebrating mass there regularly the pressure has reduced.
    3. Anywang od Lemo has a parcel of land whose parcel number bears the name of the church. There is no structure yet. The land is not completely fenced and the boundary within the neighbours need to be surveyed.
  • Mass is usually at 9am every Sunday at the Centre

  • Omungi Centre

  • The land on which the church is built has not been processed yet. It is still registered undr th defunct County Council bearing the name of the church. The boundaries ned to be surveyed.
  • They have a structure in this land but it is not properly fenced.
  • Mass is usually at 7am every Sunday at the Centre

  • Yao Centre

  • Yao centre has 5 parcels of land under it.
  • 1. The land on which the centre church sits. It is fenced but remains porous. The tittle deed is processed and is in the parish office. It has an old Church on it and a new one which is still at the ground level.
    2.Kokongo Od Lemo sits on a controversial land. An old man had given a huge chunk of land to this od lemo but due to negligence, the son sold most parts of this land since it had not been processed. Even the small piece remaining needs to be processed since the wife of the controversial son is willing to give it to the Od Lemo. It has an old Mud structure on it.
    3. Odhong od lemo sits on land that has been processed and its documents are in the parish office. It has an old mud structure on it but there is no fence at all.
    4. Nyahera Od lemo has a small parcel of land which is not yet processed. The Christians had started putting up a structure but this is still at the ground level.
    5. There is another piece of land donated by Gwendo. The land seems not to have been processed. It was leased to Mr Bernard Agiso who had paid the parish in full some time back but this lease is almost exhausted.
  • Mass is usually at 11am every Sunday at the Centre

  • Obumba Centre

  • The church sits on a piece of land that has been processed.
  • The documents are in the parish office.
  • It needs proper fencing and gate.
  • It has a semi-permanent structure on it.
  • Mass is usually at 9am every Sunday at the Centre

  • Masawa Centre

  • The church sits on a parcel of land that has not yet been processed. However, it is still under defunct County Council and is registered there as belonging to the church.
  • It has good structure on it with a fence and a lockable gate.
  • Mass is usually at 11am every Sunday at the Centre

  • Obino Centre

  • The land on which the church sits is fenced with a gate and a permanent structure on it.
  • However, the land processing has not been done since the family that had given it to the church had put a caution on it to bar the sale of other sides. This caution affects the parcel of and for the church.
  • Mass is usually at 11am every Sunday at the Centre

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